Monday, March 31, 2014

Journey to Losing Weight 2

So I had decided to work on my portion control and use the app myfitnesspal to help track what I eat.

I wasn't using myfitnesspal as often as I should have but I did use it for quite a while. I have to say that I absolutely love this app. At first I ate what I normally to see where I was lacking in nutrients as well as to see how much calories I was taking in. I was definitely shocked to see the results. I was eating a lot of calories and not enough nutritious food to balance my meals.

I few things that I have noticed are, even though I don't eat a lot of fatty foods, I take in way too much sugar and carbs. I also wasn't getting a lot of vitamins from the foods I ate as well.

After seeing the results, I definitely changed the way I ate. I notice that now my food intake is more balanced and more nutritious. I have also improved in portion control as well. Although I'm still not 100% on the portion control, I am definitely getting better at it. I have started to use smaller plates and eating a healthy snack in between my meals to help me eat less during my meals.

So far this journey is getting better but I still have a long way to go.

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