Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Journey to Losing Weight 1

Losing weight has never been an easy thing for me, usually whenever I try to start my journey I always give up around 1-2 months in the journey. One thing I decided to try to keep going was to cut down on the amount of times I workout and the types of workouts I did. I decided to try and workout about 3 times a eek, of course if I worked out for more than 3 days then that's better but 3 days a week was my goal. I did that because I noticed that whenever I would skip a day it would set me back a lot because I started to get lazy. By doing 3 days a week, even if I skip a day I know that I can keep going the next day. I also decided to change the type of workout I did for the same reason. I use to do p90x and Insanity and whenever I skipped a day I would get lazy about completing the rest of the week. I decided to do workouts that don't require some type of schedule to complete it and that is more fun for me. I decided to do workouts by Billy Blanks and just dancing. Although I'm not a professional dancer, dancing is definitely a workout that I can do that is fun. I usually dance for about an hour and the Billy Blanks workout I do is 45+ minutes. These workouts are fun and I sometimes end up doing them for more than 3 times a week because I really enjoy doing it.

One huge problem that I have though is eating. It's not that I eat unhealthy foods, because I've been working on that, but now I'm having a hard time with portion control and having a set time for eating. I don't wake up at the same time everyday so my breakfast is at a different time almost everyday. I have a hard time with setting my eating time. I'm also having a hard time with portion control. I know how much I should be eating but I keep on wanting to eat more then I need to.

So far my journey has been alright, I hope to get better though. I plan on using myfitnesspal, which is an app that helps you count calories as well as how much fat, cholesterol, sugar, etc. that you are eating in one day. I hope that this app will help me not only control my portions but help me to have a more balanced diet as well.

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