Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, New Me

It's very hard to make sure that we succeed in our new years resolution. We are usually motivated for the first month or two but then we start backing down in our new years resolution. For me my new years resolutions aren't just for the year of 2014, these are lifestyle changes and goals I want to implement in my everyday life. Now I only chose ten things because I didn't want to overwhelm myself by having too much and just giving up because I can't possibly complete all of them.
  1. Pray more, Stress less
  2. Be Joyful
  3. Spend less money
  4. Exercise at least 3 times a day
  5. Drink more water
  6. Use/Eat more natural/healthier products
  7. Get my hair to waist length 
  8. Get into the Clinical Lab Science program in the fall
  9. Sew at least ten garment
  10. Finish some of my unfinished crochet Projects
I hope to not only complete these goals but to make a complete lifestyle change that will continue for the rest of my life.

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