Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Journey to Waist Length 1

My ultimate hair goal is to reach waist length. Although I've been natural all my life, I never really knew how to take care of my hair and because of that my hair never grew past shoulder length. A little over 1 year and a half ago I decided to take better care of my hair. I researched online and found a bunch of forums with a pile of helpful information. Then I found a lot of natural youtubers who helped me find the best way to take care of my hair and keep me encouraged even when I get stressed out about my hair. Now my hair is at bra strap length and it has never looked better. Now that I've finally got a good regimen for my hair I've decided to set a hair goal for myself. Although this is not going to be easy, I hope to get to waist length by the end of 2014.

Here are a few things I've decided to follow to get to waist length:

  1. Keeping my hair in low manipulation and protective hairstyles
    • I plan on keeping my hair in protective styles that will last more then a week. If I don't have time to do a protective hairstyle then I'll keep it in a low manipulation style. 
  2. Deep Conditioning my hair more often
    • I plan on deep conditioning at least once a month and doing protein treatments more often as well. I haven't done a protein treatment in my hair in a long time and whenever I do a protein treatment my hair feels so nice and soft.
  3. Moisturizing my hair at least twice a week
  4. Trim my hair when needed
  5. Never using a comb
    • I plan on using my fingers to detangle/comb my hair from now on. I tend to be rough when combing my hair so I hope this will help

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