Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Journey to Waist Length 1

My ultimate hair goal is to reach waist length. Although I've been natural all my life, I never really knew how to take care of my hair and because of that my hair never grew past shoulder length. A little over 1 year and a half ago I decided to take better care of my hair. I researched online and found a bunch of forums with a pile of helpful information. Then I found a lot of natural youtubers who helped me find the best way to take care of my hair and keep me encouraged even when I get stressed out about my hair. Now my hair is at bra strap length and it has never looked better. Now that I've finally got a good regimen for my hair I've decided to set a hair goal for myself. Although this is not going to be easy, I hope to get to waist length by the end of 2014.

Here are a few things I've decided to follow to get to waist length:

  1. Keeping my hair in low manipulation and protective hairstyles
    • I plan on keeping my hair in protective styles that will last more then a week. If I don't have time to do a protective hairstyle then I'll keep it in a low manipulation style. 
  2. Deep Conditioning my hair more often
    • I plan on deep conditioning at least once a month and doing protein treatments more often as well. I haven't done a protein treatment in my hair in a long time and whenever I do a protein treatment my hair feels so nice and soft.
  3. Moisturizing my hair at least twice a week
  4. Trim my hair when needed
  5. Never using a comb
    • I plan on using my fingers to detangle/comb my hair from now on. I tend to be rough when combing my hair so I hope this will help

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, New Me

It's very hard to make sure that we succeed in our new years resolution. We are usually motivated for the first month or two but then we start backing down in our new years resolution. For me my new years resolutions aren't just for the year of 2014, these are lifestyle changes and goals I want to implement in my everyday life. Now I only chose ten things because I didn't want to overwhelm myself by having too much and just giving up because I can't possibly complete all of them.
  1. Pray more, Stress less
  2. Be Joyful
  3. Spend less money
  4. Exercise at least 3 times a day
  5. Drink more water
  6. Use/Eat more natural/healthier products
  7. Get my hair to waist length 
  8. Get into the Clinical Lab Science program in the fall
  9. Sew at least ten garment
  10. Finish some of my unfinished crochet Projects
I hope to not only complete these goals but to make a complete lifestyle change that will continue for the rest of my life.