Sunday, February 23, 2014

Journey to spending less money 1

I've had a hard time lately about saving more money but I'm doing a little bit better now because I've found a new way to save more/ spend less money.
So in my journey to save more money I ran into a few YouTube videos showing how some people were able to spend a few bucks on items worth over $100 by couponing. I decided to give couponing a try and went to my first couponing trip after days of researching how to coupon properly and reading the coupon policy for each store. And these are the fruits of my labor:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Journey to ten garments 1

After a lot of hard work and a very long night I was finally able to complete my first succesful and completely wearable garment. I followed a pattern for this skirt but decided to make a few adjustments since I didn't have the twill tape mensioned in pattern. I decided to substitute interfacing for twill tape and changed the hem allowance so that the skirt didn't turn out too short. I'm in love with this skirt because not only did I make it but it was so cheap. I got the fabric on clearance for $4 a yard. It has little hearts on it and is super cute.
The hardest part of this garment was putting on the zipper. I ended up breaking one of my needles because I got too close to thw zipper. Luckily I had a spare needle to use. The skirt took me about 5 hours to make, hopefully I get better at this and can complete the next one in less than that, maybe 2 hours. I have definitely learned a lot from this experience and hopefully my next garment will be even beter.